SPEAKER: APOSTLE MIKE ONYEBUCHI. TOPIC: YOUR ARE GOD’S BATTLE AXE. TEXT: JERIMAIAH 51:20 IMPORTANT FACTS § You are God’s battle axe, an instrument for war and battle to fight and conquer. § You are highly loved, great and powerful. HOW TO SHARPEN YOUR AXE 1. By holiness and righteousness because righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach (Hebrews 12:14). 2. By the word of God (Joshua 1:8, prov 10:22) 3. Grace and mercy of God (rom 9:16,zach 4, john 3:27) 4. Be led by the spirit (determining divine direction) 5. Sacrifice for favour 2 kings 3:1-end NOTE THIS: your ministry will fool you before it will feed you. NOTE THIS: everyone that serves in the palace is bound to be a leader in the palace. NOTE THIS: until you serve a leader you cannot lead because without Elijah there will Elisha You cannot become great un...