FIRST SERVICE. 15/03/20. GRANDE FINALE FAVOUR AT WORK 2020. TOPIC: Exceeding Great Prosperity in Famine 1. TEXT: Genesis 26:26-33,Genesis 21:1-2,Matthew 7:12-14. FOCUS: Role of Wisdom in Prosperity in Famine. MINISTERING: Pastor Wisdom Onyebuchi. POINTS . 1}. The blessing of God creates prosperity but divine wisdom multiplies the prosperity. 2}. You will always take wise business decisions if you put yourself in the customers shoes.( Matthew 7:12). 3}. Doing the right things that is different is the key to your breakthrough. HOW TO EXCEL IN FAMINE. a). Honesty. b). Diversifying. c). Learning. d). Hearing personally from God e). Start small and grow big. ~ SECOND SERVICE. ~ TOPIC: Exceeding Great Prosperity in Famine. TEXT: Luke 5:1-11...