To the church in sardis

Sunday service message ( 1st service message).
Speaker: pst Onyebuchi wisdom
Topic: To the church in sardis.
1 The city of sardis flourished before John was born. It was later conquered by Cyrus the Persian and then Alexander the great. The conquests reduced sardis to ruins in AD 17. A great Earthquake reduced the great city into a heap of refuse later, emperor Tiberius of rome gave it new life. This city worshipped the goddess cybele.
Revelation of Jesus to them. Rev 3:1.
1 The one who has the seven spirits of God, signifying the fullness of God.
2 The one who has the seven stars-" I own and control the destiny of my pastors.
Commendation. Rev 3:4.
1 There was God's remnant who retained the truth of justification by faith.
2 There was also a remnant who refused the hypocrisy of the church then.
Rebuke. Rev 3:1
1 This church has a reputation that it was alive but was in fact dead.
-So many people are living by past reputation. They're living dead.
2 Their work wasn't perfect before God. Rev 3:2.
Exhortation. Rev 3:2-3.
1 Strengthen the things that are about to die.
2 Remembered what you received and heard, and repent.
      Promise. Rev 3:5
1 overcomers will be clothed with white clothing.
2 I will not blow out his name out of the book of life. Once saved always saved. Exo 32: 3-33, 1 Cor 9:27.
3 I will confess u before my father and before the angels.
- when the truth becomes unpopular. Matt 10:32-33.
Interpretation of prophecy.
1 The name sardis means " Those escaping"
2 Period 1517-1750 AD. They escaped the evil of the Catholic Church.
    Martin Luther
a. 95 point protest, hence Protestants.
b As Martin Luther ascended the steps of Pilate. Tradition says Jesus walked these steps to be tried by Pilate.
c pilgrims ascend it on their knees. It's littered with broken glasses, just to receive forgiveness.
d While traveling these steps Luther received a revelation, the just shall live by faith. Rom 1:16-17, Heb 2:4, Gal 3:11, Phil 3:9.
    He rose to his feet and walked down the steps, this type of action was considered sacrilegious.
He returned to his country, Germany and posted his 95 point protest. As usually the Catholic Church wanted to kill him.
But the king of Germany protected him and together they broke away from slavery. 
Problem that spurred the Reformation of Luther.
   Sin of hiprocrisy: the major sin ofv the Catholic Church( covering of the truth)1 Timothy 4:1-5, Luke 12:1, Matt 23:28.
Why then was the reformed Church rebuked.
1 it began to gradually backslide.
2 it began to copy the Catholic Church.


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